Tuesday, March 22, 2011

June 7 Monthly Project Class

Can you believe it is time to be planning the June class? Whoa.. Well, we will have at least a Father's Day card and perhaps a guy's birthday card or 2 providing all cards can be completed during class. I was thinking it would be fun to create a pop up type card for at least 1 of the cards. What do you think? There is a new seasonal Fathers Day cart but I haven't seen it at the store yet. Ideas are beginning to formulate so stay tuned.

Update as of 5/11/2011:
The projects are created and posted in the store. We are making a 1pg Father layout plus and Father's Day card using the following carts: Designer Calendar, "Just Because" Cards, Storybook and your favorite Font cartridge - I used Hannah Montana. I will also offer a BONUS project - a pop up card. It's all about the boys this month. Hope you like these projects. I am posting a sneak peak of the pop up BONUS card. Look forward to seeing you in store or in class.

Update as of 9/17/2011:

Since I can now update blogger I will post the project pictures.  Unfortunately we did not have sufficient students to run this class.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

May 2011 project thoughts

Hurray we have sunshine! I was thinking that for May we would make a Mom's day card and single page layout which can go in a picture frame. It is my intention we will be able to complete the project(s) in class. I will keep you updated as the projects take shape.

Updated as of 3/22/2011:
Ok, all the projects are done for the May 3rd class. I used the following carts: Mothers Day (2010 seasonal), Create a Critter, Storybook, and Accent Essentials. While the cart list is long -- I only made a few cuts from some of them - Accent Essentials and Mothers Day. We will be making those cool 3D flowers to embellish our picture frame and learn how to center our printed message within a cricut cut. I hope you like these projects. As in the April class, it is my intention that everyone can finish these projects during the 2.5 hr class time. Also, if you sign up on April 9, the Cricut classes will be 50% off! Hope everyone is healthy and enjoying the arrival of spring.

Updated as of 5/11/2011:

Finally able to post the project pictures, -- apparently IE9 doesn't play nice with Blogger so I had to rollback IE to be able to post again. Anyway, it was a very fun class. It was great to hear everyone's current projects - wedding reheasal invites, school bulletin boards, photo organization, etc. I believe everyone completed all their Cricut cuts and created their 3D flowers. Next month we will learn how to cut shrink film and make our own clocks. Hope you are having a great day!!