Wednesday, December 15, 2010

ColorNook + Gypsy + Cricut = awesome!

I received (obviously early) a ColorNook for Christmas this year. I have loaded the pdf cartridge booklets for my linked cartridges on my ColorNook. I have not yet loaded the jpeg versions -- which seems to be the format for the solutions cartridges. Talk about simplify!! Crafting now involves 3 devices - my gypsy, my cricut and my ColorNook. It is wonderful to look at the cartridge booklets from 1 device. Certainly a computer or Net book would work too, but the Nook is a much smaller size and more convenient for me. I like the Color version of the Nook too because I can see the images just as they appear in the cartridge booklet -- plus I can enlarge the size of the image if I want to. Can you spell "awesome"? Other ereader devices will work too for loading your cartridge library so give it a try if you haven't yet done so. It is freezing here so what a good time to snuggle with your Gypsy and plan your next projects. Stay warm and enjoy the holidays.


  1. Susan,
    How do you "link" cartridges to e-readers?

  2. Kellee- I do not "link" the cartridge but I do put the PDF cartridge booklets on my Color Nook (e-reader)for every cartridge I linked to my Gypsy and any cartridges I plan to purchase in the near future. Does this help?

  3. How do you download the pdf to your Nook?

  4. Go to and select the Information tab. Once there, select cartridge library, and pick handbook view. Once you have your desired handbook pick save as and save to your computer. Once on your computer you can then "side load" on your e Reader -- at least that is the process for my Color Nook. Does this help?
